Add Product

Add your first product

Title: This is the title of the item you are listing

URL Alias: It can be the item title, make sure there are no symbols in the alias

Product Type: Leave it the way it is

Product category: Select your product category

Store: Select the store to add the item if you have multiple stores

Sku: Type a SKU to identify the item (the SKU can be the product model number or a mix of product name and number

Price: enter your product price

Discount price: Enter your product discounted price

Description: Enter your product description here

Product images: Add up to 6 images of your product

Video: You can add a video URL from youtube explaining your item

Item stock: Enter the number of the item you have available to sell

Lot Quantity: Enter the number of a lot you have, this is bulk items, like boxes of an item

Minimum quantity: Number of items one person can order from your store

Maximum item: max item a person can order from your store

Meta description: This is the description for a search engine to claw your item

Meta keywords: This is the keywords search engine can claw your site for users to find your item on the search engine

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Next, select your tax and shippingScreen Shot 2020 04 01 at 12.15.20 PM

Select your tax profile, enter product dimensions, product weight, and shipping profile.

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  • Wednesday, 01 April 2020

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